Excellence Awards 2023

Shine A Light On Excellence. Nominate A Teammate Today!
OAC Excellence Awards 2023

You Are Worth More

More Recognition. More opportunities to celebrate! The Excellence Awards recognise the achievements of individuals and teams.

Why should you nominate a teammate?

  • Recognise Excellence
  • Boost Team Morale & Motivation
  • Build a Culture of Teamwork
  • Celebrate Diversity & Inclusion

Underpinned by our HEART Principles

Nomination FAQs

Why should I nominate?

To express your gratitude and to acknowledge the hard work and dedication of your teammates.

Nominating a teammate is a significant act, as these awards acknowledge individual achievements and cultivate a culture of appreciation and encouragement, aligning with our HEART Principles

How do I nominate?
All nominations are submitted online. You may nominate multiple team members using the same link. A link will be sent to you via your OAC inbox next week.

When do nominations close?

Nominations will close on June 30th.

Can I nominate a Support Office team member? 

No, the Support Office team member nominations will open later in the year. A link to nominate our Support Office team will be shared at another date. Stay tuned for more information!

I’m a Support Office team member, can I nominate a campus team member?

Yes absolutely!

Can families nominate a team member?

Yes absolutely! They can use the same link and select ‘Im an OAC Family’ in the ‘Where do you work?’ question.

How do I nominate my campus for the Campus HEART Award?

You must submit an application providing examples and an explanation of campus initiatives that have benefited families, children, teams or the community that align with our HEART Principles. A separate link will be sent out for Campus Directors and teams to submit their online nomination application.

How do I nominate my campus for the Campus Excellence Award?

As per the award criteria here, these awards are judged based on the campus operational scorecard metrics. no online submissions are required for these awards.

How do I get access to the award criteria?

You can find information on the OAC Hub Excellence Awards page here

You can also access the documents below:

If you have any questions, please email [email protected]